Learning through Routines
We know through research that learners with PMLD learn most effectively through routine sessions, which provide optimal opportunities for learners with PMLD to learn through the repetition of familiar and consistent activities which are incorporated into each day's plans. These sessions remain playfully responsive to the learners in the moment. Our timetables are carefully considered to ensure that every learner has the opportunity to work on each relevant strand identified within Rosewood’s curriculum every week.
Some routine sessions will occur at planned times during the day, such as:
Start and end of the day
Good Morning /Hello
Drink and Snack
Oral Programme
Good bye
There are also routines which occur every day but are always personalised to the needs of individual learners. These include:
Body cues
Transition cues
Preparation for learning
All the strands of ImPACTS are covered at least twice by the class routines, with the exception of some Environmental Control (EC) and Gross Motor strands. Essential Schemes of Work cover activities which are planned to take place at least once each week. These include:
Intensive Interaction
Multisensory Room
Environmental Control
On-going Schemes of work also exist for group sessions that may sometimes be offered. These include:
Looking club
Resonance Boards
Sensory stories
Hand class
... and many more, according to the topic, age and stage of the class