Sensory Stay & Play

We run a Sensory Stay and Play session in the Nursery. The group meets on Monday afternoons during school term times, and runs between 1:30pm and 3:00pm. It is geared towards under 3s with complex physical, sensory, medical or health needs, or a combination of these difficulties. Children need to attend with a carer, and pre-school aged siblings are also welcome to come along.

We provide a wide variety of sensory and movement based play experiences which families and their child can enjoy together, using the lovely resources we have in the Nursery room and garden.  We also have access to the school’s large multisensory room for some sessions. Our aim is to provide a positive environment in which families can enjoy and celebrate their child, whilst sharing the tough and frustrating times with other families who are ‘in the same boat’. There is no charge for attending the session.

The group is supported by very experienced adults from the Nursery team. Please do not hesitate to contact Jo Barber (Nursery teacher) if you would like any further information about the group,

either by phoning – 023 80571050

or by emailing
