Therapy Team
The school therapy team is made up of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech & Language therapists, who all work based in the school with our learners.
The primary aim of the therapy team is to ensure that the pupils are fully able to access the range of educational and social activities provided within the school. The class teachers work with the therapists and parents to agree upon therapy objectives, which are then included in the pupil’s Individual Education Plan and home programmes. All members of the therapy team collaborate closely with each other and the professionals in health, social services, and education. The team are provided with mandatory training each year and endeavour to keep their skills and practice up to date in order to provide an excellent quality of care, and practice which is evidence based. The therapy team also provide information and training to the class staff, who are then able to deliver integrated therapy and education on a daily basis.
How to contact the Therapy Team
During term time, you can contact the therapy team via the school.
If you need to contact your child’s physiotherapist, speech and language therapist or occupational therapist during the holidays, you can leave a message on the above number. Please note that voicemails will not be checked every day. If your call is urgent, please contact the Single Point of Access (SPA) on 0300 300 2019 and they will be able to put you in contact with a therapist who can help you with your query.